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Модифіковано полівініловим спиртом

Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a colorless, non-toxic, non-corrosive, biodegradable water-soluble organic polymer. At present, in addition to being the raw material of vinylon, PVA is ...

Ефект змішування полівінілового спирту та HPMC

PVA polymer powder is especially suitable for use as a building mortar additive. It can be used together with the water-retaining agent of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose ...

Механізм утворення полівінілового спирту

PVA is unique among polymers (compounds composed of large, multi-unit molecules) because it is not formed by the polymerization of single-unit precursor molecules called monomers. ...

Величезний потенціал ПВС у текстильній промисловості

Textile size and fiber polyvinyl alcohol binder, with very good adhesion and film-forming properties, cheap and high quality, mainly used for pulping pure polyester or ...

Основні промислові застосування полівінілового спирту в будівництві

Construction adhesives and adhesives Construction adhesives made from polyvinyl alcohol include putty adhesives, paint adhesive base materials, etc., and their scale accounts for more than ...

Що таке гуаровий ефір?

(1) Compared with cellulose ether, guar ether is more soluble in water. The performance of the pH guar ether was essentially unaffected. (2) Under the ...

Як розчиняється полівініловий спирт?

1. Polyvinyl alcohol is soluble in water and generally needs to be heated to 65~75℃ in order to dissolve completely. Slightly soluble in dimethyl sulfoxide. ...

Сценарії використання водовідштовхувального засобу

1. Various waterproof and moisture-proof of various attached construction workers and single-built civil air defense projects, industrial and civil buildings; 2. Waterproof and moisture-proof for ...

Особливості ксилемних волокон

Xylem Fiber is an organic flocculent fiber material obtained by chemical treatment and mechanical processing of natural renewable wood. 1. Lignocellulose is insoluble in water, ...

Поліпропіленова штапельна фібра - це волокно

Polypropylene short fiber is a kind of fiber. Polypropylene short fiber can improve the crack resistance, impermeability, impact abrasion resistance, frost resistance, explosion resistance of ...