Роль полівінілового спирту PVA в чорнилі

Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a water-soluble polymer. Because of its good adhesion, film-forming strength and pigment dispersibility, it is often used as an adhesive and surface sizing agent in the paper industry. Today, pVA has been successfully used in inkjet printing paper coatings-from low-grade paper to high-quality photo paper. Inkjet printing media require an ink-absorbing […]

Тенденція розвитку китайської промисловості полівінілового спирту

After more than ten years of competitive integration and optimization, the industry is showing a new pattern of optimized production capacity, increased concentration, stable market varieties, slow growth in market demand, high technical barriers, few new entries, moderate competition, and the development of innovative technology. The new supply-demand balance has developed into a benign new […]

Впровадження ПВС-волокна

The main characteristics of PVA Fiber are high strength, high modulus, low elongation, abrasion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, good weather resistance, good affinity and bonding with cement, gypsum and other substrates, and it is non-toxic, pollution-free, and non-toxic. It damages the human skin and is harmless to the human body. It is one of the new […]

Основні характеристики полівінілового спирту

Polyvinyl Alcohol

Basic characteristics of polyvinyl alcohol (1) Viscosity: Its viscosity varies with variety, concentration and temperature. As the concentration increases, the viscosity value rises sharply; as the temperature increases, the viscosity decreases significantly. (2) Adhesion: Polyvinyl alcohol has strong adhesion to hydrophilic porous surface materials, such as paper, textiles, wood, concrete, mortar and smooth and non-absorbent surfaces. (3) Film-forming […]

Конфігурація суперпластифікатора полікарбонових кислот

Polycarboxylic Acid Superplasticizer

Configuration of Polycarboxylic Acid Superplasticizer Polycarboxylic acid water-reducing agent is a high-performance water-reducing agent, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also non-flammable and non-explosive. Let’s take a look at its several preparation methods. For the preparation of polycarboxylic acid water-reducing agent, the design of molecular structure is very important, including the main chain group, side […]

Фактори, що впливають на дію висококонцентрованого суперпластифікатора полікарбонових кислот

Polycarboxylic Acid Superplasticizer

Factors affecting the effect of high-concentration Polycarboxylic Acid Superplasticizer The effect of high-concentration water reducing agent will be affected by external factors, so we must understand the factors that will cause the impact, and then minimize its impact. 1. The form and amount of gypsum When grinding cement clinker, a certain amount of gypsum is generally […]

Заходи безпеки при роботі з суперпластифікатором полікарбонових кислот

Polycarboxylic Acid Superplasticizer

Precautions for Polycarboxylic Acid Superplasticizer 1.Polycarboxylic Acid Superplasticizer has problems with the adaptability of cement. For individual cements, the water reduction rate is low and the slump is large. Therefore, when the adaptability of the cement is not good, the concrete should be tested and adjusted to reduce the water. Agent components to achieve the effect. In […]