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  5. Application of HPMC in...

Суперпластифікатор полікарбонових кислот

Гідроксипропілметилцелюлоза (HPMC)

Повторно диспергований полімерний порошок (RDP, VAE)

Водорозчинне волокно ПВА

Застосування ГПМК в інших галузях

As a printing dye paste, it can be used in pigments, borosilicate dyes, basic dyes, and textile dyes. In addition, it can be used together with thermosetting resins in the corrugation of kapok. It is used for leather surface glue and oil-resistant processing of carbon paper. Use as a final lube or as a one-time cement. It is added to water-based ink and ink as a thickener and film-forming agent. As a binder for reconstituted tobacco.