Властивості полівінілового спиртового волокна

It has good mechanical properties, high strength, high modulus and low elongation. Strong acid and alkali resistance and chemical resistance. Light resistance: under long-term sunlight, the fiber strength loss rate is low. Corrosion resistance: Fiber buried underground for a long time will not mold, rot or moth. The fiber has good dispersibility: the fiber does […]

Розробка полівінілового спиртового волокна

In the early 1930s, the German Wacker Chemical Company first produced polyvinyl alcohol fibers. In 1939, Japan’s Sakurada Ichiro, Yazawa Jiangying, and North Korea’s Li Shengji treated this fiber with formaldehyde to obtain heat-resistant polyvinyl formal fiber. ) to build an industrialized production facility. In 1984, the world output of polyvinyl alcohol fiber was 94kt. […]

Синтетичні волокна з полівінілового спирту

Synthetic fiber made by spinning polyvinyl alcohol as raw material. The polyvinyl formal fiber obtained by treating this fiber with formaldehyde is called vinylon in China and vinylon in the world. The fibers obtained by spinning relatively low molecular weight polyvinyl alcohol as raw materials are water-soluble and are called water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol fibers. General […]

Роль полівінілового спирту у виробництві білого латексу

Polyvinyl alcohol is an excellent protective colloid and dispersant for vinyl acetate homopolymerization or copolymerization with other monomers to produce emulsion (white glue), which is very important in the production of white glue. Generally, as the degree of polymerization of polyvinyl alcohol increases, the viscosity of the produced emulsion increases. Partial alcoholysis type polyvinyl alcohol […]

Простір для розвитку полівінілового спирту

Domestic demand and exports of high-quality, high-density and high-end textiles have increased. The development of high-end paper industry and petroleum extraction has accelerated. The automobile industry has also developed vigorously. The demand for safety glass for automobiles and construction has risen rapidly. These industries have provided new products for the development of polyvinyl alcohol. Broad […]

Іонізована губка з полівінілового спирту

A new type of medical non-fiber sponge formed by introducing sodium polyacrylate side chains into PVA macromolecules is called ionized polyvinyl alcohol sponge. It has good biocompatibility and stable chemical properties, and has excellent hydrophilicity, liquid absorption and Blood-sucking performance. i-PVA sponge can be effectively used in medical operations such as microsurgery and eye surgery […]

Гідрогель ПВА

PVA hydrogel has the characteristics of water content, elastic modulus, low friction coefficient, high mechanical strength, rich pore leakage network structure, and good biocompatibility similar to the natural tissues of the human body. Wide range of applications. It can be used to manufacture artificial cartilage, artificial cornea, artificial vitreous, etc. Polyvinyl ferment hydrogel is widely […]