Polikarboksilik Asit Süperplastikleştirici

Hidroksi Propil Metil Selüloz (HPMC)

Yeniden Dağılabilir Polimer Tozu (RDP, VAE)

Suda Çözünür PVA Elyafı

PVA 2488G

Şirketimizin PVA 2488G (2488 Granül) üretim tesisleri, Avrupa Şirketinden komple teknoloji setinin ithal edilmesi temelinde uzun vadeli özümseme ve teknolojik dönüşüm ile her geçen gün mükemmelleşmektedir.

Model:PVA 2488G

Ürün Açıklaması

The PVA 2488G (2488 Granule) production facilities of our company have been perfecting day by day with the long-term absorption and technological transformation on the basis of importing the complete set of technology from European Company. PVA produced by our company is good in performances and stable in quality. It enjoys a great reputation both at home and abroad.
Ürün Özelliği:
Kısmi Alkoliz.
Düşük viskoziteli.

Eşdeğer Notlar:
Kururay PVA-224
Kururay Mowiol 47-88
Sekisui Selvol 350 - Celanses
Nichigo GH-22


Ürün Parametre (Spesifikasyon)


PVA 2488G

Hidroliz (mol%)

87.0 ~ 89.0

Viskozite (mPa.s)

44.0 ~ 50.0

Uçucu (wt%)


Kül (wt%)


pH Değeri

5 ~ 7

Saflık (%)


Parçacık Boyut


Depolama: The product should be stored in a dry and ventilated room with a room temperature of 5-30℃ and stored in batches. Keep away from power, moisture, and sunlight. It is strictly prohibited to store together with volatile chemicals to prevent deterioration due to adsorption.

Ulaşım: Taşıma sırasında temiz araçlar gereklidir, nemden, yağmurdan ve güneşten korunmaya dikkat edilmelidir. Ambalajın zarar görmesini önlemek için dikkatli taşıyın. Adsorpsiyonun bozulmasını önlemek için uçucu kimyasallarla birlikte depolanması kesinlikle yasaktır.
Q: What’s the property Index of polyvinyl alcohol ?
A: Polyvinyl alcohol PVA is a solid substance, colorless and scentless in the shape of floccus, flake or granule. As it contains plenty of hydroxyl groups in its molecule, PVA is easily soluble in water as well as in organic compounds also containing hydroxyl such as glycerol, glycol, acetic acid, acetaldehyde and benzoic acid, except for general organic solvents in which it is insoluble. When heated up to 130-140℃, PVA gets yellow without essential changes in nature; when at 160℃ for a longer time, it gets darker; at 200℃, inter-molecular dehydration takes place with lower water solubility; at above 200℃, intra-molecular dehydration takes place; nearly at 300℃, PVA is decomposed into water, acetic acid, acetaldehyde and crotonaldehyde. The bulk densities of PVA vary depending on methods of alcoholysis: 0.2~0.27g/ml for high alkali alcoholysis and 0.42~0.52 g/ml for low alkali alcoholysis.

Hot Tags: PVA 2488G, China, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Factory, Wholesale, Customized, Free Sample, Brands, Price, Quality

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