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  5. Çevre Dostu HPMC Esaslı Seramik

Polikarboksilik Asit Süperplastikleştirici

Hidroksi Propil Metil Selüloz (HPMC)

Yeniden Dağılabilir Polimer Tozu (RDP, VAE)

Suda Çözünür PVA Elyafı

Çevre Dostu HPMC Esaslı Seramik

Hydroxy propyl Methyl Cellulose in ceramic applications, mainly plays the following roles:
Adhesive: HPMC has good adhesive properties, which can firmly bond ceramic powder together to form a uniform porcelain body.
Plasticizer: HPMC has good plasticizing properties, which can make ceramic materials more flexible and easy to shape during the molding process.
Dispersant: HPMC can effectively disperse ceramic powder so that it can be more evenly distributed throughout the porcelain body, thereby improving the quality of the porcelain body.

Stabilizer: HPMC can improve the stability of ceramic materials so that they can still maintain good physical and chemical properties at high temperatures.