Polikarboksilik Asit Süperplastikleştirici

Hidroksi Propil Metil Selüloz (HPMC)

Yeniden Dağılabilir Polimer Tozu (RDP, VAE)

Suda Çözünür PVA Elyafı


PVA 2088 resin is a kind of heavy polymer,it is non-toxic, insipid and harmless. PVA is water-soluble and the solvent provide good viscosity and film building. It can withstand oils, lubricants, hydrocarbons and most other organic solvents. PVA has better chemical stability and insulatibility, and provide ease in firm building; It possess the typical chemical properties of polyols and can carry out process of esterification, etherealization, acetalization etc.

Model:Polyvinyl Alcohol 2088

Our Polyvinyl Alcohol 2088 Flake (PVA 2088F) series of products is specialized. It is made from vinyl acetate through polymerization and alcoholysis. It is a white, stable and non-toxic water-soluble polymer that can quickly dissolve in water to form a stable colloid. Water is a good solvent. PVA 2088F is raw materials of vinylon fibers, construction, paint additives, mainly used in textile, fabric finishing agents.


The PVA 2088G production facilities of our company have been perfecting day by day with the long-term absorption and technological transformation on the basis of importing the complete set of technology from European Company. PVA produced by our company is good in performances and stable in quality. It enjoys a great reputation both at home and abroad.

PVA 2088S is called 2088 Fine Powder and it used to produce textile sizing materials, coatings, adhesive, and it is widely used for paper processing, emulsifying agents, dispersants and blocking colloids. Besides, it can be employed as membranes, soil modifiers,etc. Mainly used to produce textile sizing materials, coatings,adhesive, acetal derivations, and it is extensively applied to paper processings, emulgents, dispersants and blocking colloids.

Bu ürün PVA 2088 bazında köpük önleyici olarak eklenmiştir ve uygulamada ürün köpüğünü etkili bir şekilde ortadan kaldırabilir. Ayrıca yağ, gres ve solvente karşı dayanıklıdır. Kokusuz ve toksik olmayan PVA 2088GA, yüksek gerilme mukavemeti ve esnekliğin yanı sıra yüksek oksijen ve aroma bariyeri özelliklerine sahiptir.