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  5. Development of polyvinyl alcohol...

Polikarboksilik Asit Süperplastikleştirici

Hidroksi Propil Metil Selüloz (HPMC)

Yeniden Dağılabilir Polimer Tozu (RDP, VAE)

Suda Çözünür PVA Elyafı

Polivinil alkol elyafının geliştirilmesi

In the early 1930s, the German Wacker Chemical Company first produced polyvinyl alcohol fibers. In 1939, Japan’s Sakurada Ichiro, Yazawa Jiangying, and North Korea’s Li Shengji treated this fiber with formaldehyde to obtain heat-resistant polyvinyl formal fiber. ) to build an industrialized production facility. In 1984, the world output of polyvinyl alcohol fiber was 94kt. In the early 1960s, the water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol fibers produced by Japan Vinylon and Kuraray were put on the market.