Два других процесса получения гидроксиэтилцеллюлозы (ГЭК)

Gas phase method: The gas phase method is to add additives or diluents during the reaction process, and the alkali fibers and EO react in the gas phase. The cotton fibers were soaked and activated in 18.5% NaOH solution, then pressed and crushed and placed in the reactor. The reactor was evacuated, filled with nitrogen […]
Процесс получения гидроксиэтилцеллюлозы

Alkali cellulose is a natural macromolecule. Each fiber-based ring contains three hydroxyl groups. The most active hydroxyl groups react to form hydroxyethyl cellulose. Soak raw cotton linters or refined pulp in 30% liquid caustic soda, take out and press after half an hour. Squeeze until the ratio of alkaline water reaches 1:2.8, and then pulverize. […]
Краткое введение в гидроксиэтилцеллюлозу

Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), chemical formula (C2H6O2)n, is a white or light yellow, odorless, non-toxic fibrous or powdery solid composed of alkaline cellulose and ethylene oxide (or chlorohydrin) It is prepared by etherification and belongs to non-ionic soluble cellulose ethers. Because HEC has good properties such as thickening, suspending, dispersing, emulsifying, bonding, film-forming, protecting moisture and […]
Применение HPMC в других областях

As a printing dye paste, it can be used in pigments, borosilicate dyes, basic dyes, and textile dyes. In addition, it can be used together with thermosetting resins in the corrugation of kapok. It is used for leather surface glue and oil-resistant processing of carbon paper. Use as a final lube or as a one-time […]
Каково применение HPMC в пищевой промышленности?

Adding HPMC to canned food can prevent whitening and deterioration due to the decomposition of citrus glycosides during storage, thereby achieving a fresh-keeping effect. Add to sherbet, ice, etc. in cold fruit products to make the taste better.At the same time as an emulsifying stabilizer or thickening agent for sauces, ketchup. And it can be […]
Применение HPMC в химической промышленности

Полимеризация винилхлорида и винилидена: В качестве стабилизатора суспензии и диспергатора при полимеризации, может использоваться вместе с виниловым спиртом (PVA), гидроксипропилцеллюлозой (HPC) для контроля формы и распределения частиц. Клей: В качестве клея для обоев он обычно может использоваться вместе с винилацетатной латексной краской вместо крахмала. Пестициды: когда [...]...
Добавки для строительных материалов - HPMC

At the same time, HPMC can also be used as a paste to replace natural materials, which can improve water retention and improve the bonding force with the substrate. As a plasticizer for latex coatings, it has a role in improving the performance and fluidity of coatings and putty powders. It has good effect on […]
Применение HPMC в строительной отрасли

Cement mortar: improve the dispersibility of cement-sand, greatly improve the plasticity and water retention of mortar, and effectively prevent cracks and enhance the strength of cement. Tile cement: Improve the plasticity and water retention of the pressed tile mortar, improve the bonding force of the tiles, and prevent pulverization. Coating of refractory materials such as […]
Что представляет собой HPMC промышленного назначения?

The main use is as a dispersant in the production of polyvinyl chloride, and it is the main auxiliary agent for the preparation of PVC by suspension polymerization. In addition, it is used as thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, excipient, water-retaining agent in the production of other petrochemicals, coatings, building materials, paint removers, agricultural chemicals, inks, textile […]
Основные области применения HPMC

Construction industry: As a water-retaining agent and retarder for cement mortar, it makes the mortar pumpable. Used as a binder in plastering paste, gypsum, putty powder or other building materials to improve spreadability and prolong operation time. It is used as a paste for ceramic tile, marble, plastic decoration, as a paste enhancer, and it […]