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  5. Polyvinyl Alcohol Boosts Efficiency...

Суперпластификатор на основе поликарбоновых кислот

Гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза (HPMC)

Редиспергируемый полимерный порошок (RDP, VAE)

Водорастворимое волокно ПВА

Поливиниловый спирт повышает эффективность солнечных батарей

Scientists at the University of Bristol have discovered that polyvinyl alcohol could help improve the efficiency of solar cells. The researchers found that when Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA/PVOH) is added to a polymer blend used in solar cells, it can significantly increase the amount of solar energy that is absorbed and converted into electricity. The discovery could lead to the development of more efficient and cost-effective solar cells, which could play an important role in meeting the world’s energy needs.