
폴리카복실산 감수제

하이드록시 프로필 메틸 셀룰로오스(HPMC)

재분산성 폴리머 파우더(RDP, VAE)

수용성 PVA 섬유

PVA 1788G

The PVA 1788G production facilities of our company have been perfecting day by day with the long-term absorption and technological transformation on the basis of importing the complete set of technology from European Company. PVA produced by our company is good in performances and stable in quality. It enjoys a great reputation both at home and abroad.

Model:PVA 1788 Granule

제품 설명

The PVA 1788G production facilities of our company have been perfecting day by day with the long-term absorption and technological transformation on the basis of importing the complete set of technology from European Company. PVA produced by our company is good in performances and stable in quality. It enjoys a great reputation both at home and abroad.


제품 기능:

부분 알코올 분석.

점도가 낮습니다.


동등한 성적:


쿠라레이 PVA-220

쿠라라이 모위올 23-88


세키스이 셀볼 523 - 셀라니즈


니치고 GM-14


제품 매개변수(사양)


PVA 1788G


87.0 ~ 89.0


20.0 ~ 26.0





pH 값

5 ~ 7



파티클 크기



저장소: 제품은 실온 5~30℃의 건조하고 통풍이 잘 되는 곳에 일괄적으로 보관해야 합니다. 전원, 습기 및 햇빛을 피해 보관하세요. 흡착으로 인한 변질을 방지하기 위해 휘발성 화학물질과 함께 보관하는 것은 엄격히 금지되어 있습니다.

교통편: 운송 시 깨끗한 차량이 필요하며 습기, 비, 자외선 차단에 주의해야 합니다. 포장이 손상되지 않도록 주의하여 취급하세요. 흡착 열화를 방지하기 위해 휘발성 화학 물질과 함께 보관하는 것은 엄격히 금지되어 있습니다.


자주 묻는 질문

Q: 폴리비닐 알코올의 물성 지수는 무엇인가요?

A: Polyvinyl alcohol PVA is a solid substance, colorless and scentless in the shape of floccus, flake or granule. As it contains plenty of hydroxyl groups in its molecule, PVA is easily soluble in water as well as in organic compounds also containing hydroxyl such as glycerol, glycol, acetic acid, acetaldehyde and benzoic acid, except for general organic solvents in which it is insoluble. When heated up to 130-140℃, PVA gets yellow without essential changes in nature; when at 160℃ for a longer time, it gets darker; at 200℃, inter-molecular dehydration takes place with lower water solubility; at above 200℃, intra-molecular dehydration takes place; nearly at 300℃, PVA is decomposed into water, acetic acid, acetaldehyde and crotonaldehyde. The bulk densities of PVA vary depending on methods of alcoholysis: 0.2~0.27g/ml for high alkali alcoholysis and 0.42~0.52 g/ml for low alkali alcoholysis

Hot Tags: PVA 1788GA, China, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Factory, Wholesale, Customized, Free Sample, Brands, Price, Quality

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