PVA 2688S

PVA 2688S is called 2688 Fine Powder and it used to produce textile sizing materials, coatings,adhesive, and it is widely used for paper processing, emulsifying agents, dispersants and blocking colloids. Besides, it can be employed as membranes, soil modifiers,etc. Mainly used to produce textile sizing materials, coatings,adhesive, acetal derivations, and it is extensively applied to paper processings, […]

PVA 2088

PVA 2088 PVA resin is a kind of heavy polymer,it is non-toxic, insipid and harmless. PVA is water-soluble and the solvent provide good viscosity and film building. It can withstand oils, lubricants, hydrocarbons and most other organic solvents. PVA has better chemical stability and insulatibility, and provide ease in firm building; It possess the typical […]

PVA 2088F

Our Polyvinyl Alcohol 2088 Flake (PVA 2088F) series of products is specialized. It is made from vinyl acetate through polymerization and alcoholysis. It is a white, stable and non-toxic water-soluble polymer that can quickly dissolve in water to form a stable colloid. Water is a good solvent. PVA 2088F is raw materials of vinylon fibers, […]

PVA 2088S

PVA 2088S is called 2088 Fine Powder and it used to produce textile sizing materials, coatings, adhesive, and it is widely used for paper processing, emulsifying agents, dispersants and blocking colloids. Besides, it can be employed as membranes, soil modifiers,etc. Mainly used to produce textile sizing materials, coatings,adhesive, acetal derivations, and it is extensively applied […]

PVA 1788F

Our Polyvinyl Alcohol 1788 Flake (PVA 1788F) series of products is specialized. It is made from vinyl acetate through polymerization and alcoholysis. It is a white, stable and non-toxic water-soluble polymer that can quickly dissolve in water to form a stable colloid. Water is a good solvent. PVA 1788F is raw materials of vinylon fibers, construction, paint additives, mainly used in textile, fabric […]

PVA 1588

PVA 1588  Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a non-polluting water-soluble polymer, usually white or slight yellow floccule, flake, granular or powder solid. Its performance is between plastic and rubber. It has good adhesion, film-forming ability, insulation, oil resistance, abrasion resistance and gas barrier property, etc.   Product Feature: Partially Hydrolyzed. Medium viscosity. Adjust particle size according to actual demand. […]

PVA 1588F

PVA 1588F Our polyvinyl alcohol 1588 Flake (PVA 1588F) powder series of products is specialized. It is made from vinyl acetate through polymerization and alcoholysis. It is a white, stable and non-toxic water-soluble polymer that can quickly dissolve in water to form a stable colloid. Water is a good solvent.   Product Feature: Partially Hydrolyzed. Low viscosity.   Product Parameter (Specification) […]

PVA 1588S

PVA 1588S is called 1588 Fine Powder and it used to produce textile sizing materials, coatings,adhesive, and it is widely used for paper processing, emulsifying agents, dispersants and blocking colloids. Besides, it can be employed as membranes, soil modifiers,etc. Mainly used to produce textile sizing materials, coatings,adhesive, acetal derivations, and it is extensively applied to […]

PVA 0588F

ポリビニルアルコール0588フレーク(PVA 0588F)パウダーシリーズは酢酸ビニルの重合とアルコール分解によって作られた製品です。白色、安定、無毒の水溶性高分子で、水に素早く溶けて安定なコロイドを形成します。水は良い溶媒です。製品の特徴部分加水分解低粘度。同等グレード[...]

PVA 0588S

PVA 0588Sは0588ファインパウダーと呼ばれ、紡績用サイズ剤、コーティング剤、接着剤、紙加工、乳化剤、分散剤、コロイドのブロックなどに広く使われている。それに、それは膜、土の改質剤、等として採用することができる。主に繊維サイズ材料、コーティング剤、接着剤、アセタール誘導体を製造するために使用され、それは広く[...]に適用されます。