PVA 2699

PVA 2699ポリビニルアルコール(PVA)パウダー製品シリーズは、建築業界に特化し、あらゆる種類の乾燥パテ、乾燥モルタル、タイル接着剤の添加剤として、特に建築パテとモルタルに使用され、モルタルとパテの柔軟性、保水性を向上させ、粘度を増加させます。それは非常に良好な接着性とするために使用される[...]だ

PVA 2499

PVA 2499 With its excellent water-solubility, bonding strength, film forming properties and chemical stabilities, Polyvinyl alcohol(PVOH, PVA) has achieved a great reputation in both global and domestic markets as an industrial material or finishing agent for adhesives, paper, emulsion, suspension, fabric, and films.   Product Feature: Full Hydrolyzed. High viscosity. Adjust particle size according to actual demand. […]

PVA 1799

PVA 1799 Polyvinyl Alcohol is a few kind of synthetic with water soluble high-molecular polymer.  The main specification includes degree of polymerization & alcoholysis and other special performance. Polyvinyl Alcohol is manufactured by polymerization of vinyl acetate in methanol solvent, then undergoing alcoholysis via advanced belt-process of low-alkali. After grinning, drying and packing, the end […]

PVA 1599

PVA 1599 Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a non-polluting water-soluble polymer, usually white or slight yellow floccule, flake, granular or powder solid. Its performance is between plastic and rubber. It has good adhesion, film-forming ability, insulation, oil resistance, abrasion resistance and gas barrier property, etc.   Product Feature: Full Hydrolyzed. Medium viscosity. Adjust particle size according to actual […]

PVA 1099

PVA 1099 Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) is a water soluble and biodegradable synthetic polymer. It is a dry solid, and is available in granule and powdered forms. Grades include both fully hydrolyzed and partially hydrolyzed. PVA is an excellent adhesive with superior bonding strength, film forming and emulsifying properties. The film of PVA exhibits outstanding resistance […]