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  5. Polivinil Alkohol (PVA, PVOH)
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  7. PVA 1799
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  9. White Granule Polymer Paper...

Superplasticizer Asam Polikarboksilat

Hidroksi Propil Metil Selulosa (HPMC)

Serbuk Polimer yang Dapat Didispersikan Ulang (RDP, VAE)

Serat PVA Larut Air

Bahan Kimia Pengukur Ukuran Kertas Polimer Butiran Putih Polivinil Alkohol PVA 1799

White Granule Polymer Paper Sizing Chemicals Polyvinyl Alcohol PVA 1799 is a few kind of synthetic with water soluble high-molecular polymer. The main specification includes degree of polymerization & alcoholysis and other special performance. Polyvinyl Alcohol is manufactured by polymerization of vinyl acetate in methanol solvent, then undergoing alcoholysis via advanced belt-process of low-alkali. After grinning, drying and packing, the end PVA products are achieved.

Deskripsi Produk

White Granule Polymer Paper Sizing Chemicals Polyvinyl Alcohol PVA 1799 is a few kind of synthetic with water soluble high-molecular polymer. The main specification includes degree of polymerization & alcoholysis and other special performance. Polyvinyl Alcohol is manufactured by polymerization of vinyl acetate in methanol solvent, then undergoing alcoholysis via advanced belt-process of low-alkali. After grinning, drying and packing, the end PVA products are achieved.

Parameter Produk (Spesifikasi)


Item PVA 1799
Hidrolisis (mol %) 98.0 ~ 99.9
Viskositas (mPa.s) 22.0 ~ 30.0
Mudah menguap (wt%) ≤ 5.0
Abu (wt%) ≤ 0.5
Nilai pH 5 ~ 7
Kemurnian (%) ≥ 91.5
Ukuran Partikel Serpihan, 10 ~ 80mesh


Nilai Setara:


Kuraray PVA-105

Kuraray Mowiol 30-98


Sekisui Selvol 325 - Celanese


Nichigo NL-18

Main Apprication:

1. Warp Sizing Agent for cotton or rayonspun yarn in textile Industry.

2. Paper surface sizing, Paper adhesive, Pigment binding, Resin Finishing Agent.

3. Modifier for Thermosetting Resins, Protective colloid for PVAc emulsion.

5. Cold Water Insoluble PVA film, Butyralized PVA , Adhesive for Ceramic Resister and Plug.

4. Adhesive for Forming Board in Architecture, PVA Sponge, EmeryWheel and Grinding Material.

6. Temporary Protective coating for PVC sheet, Plywood, Acrylate Sheet.

7. PVA Sheet, Hose, Roller, Tube, Belt,

Pengepakan: Paket kertas kraft dengan film plastik di dalamnya, 20kg/25kg per kantong, atau tas anyaman 500KG per kantong.

Penyimpanan: Produk harus disimpan di dalam ruangan dengan suhu kamar 5-30 ℃, tempat yang kering & berventilasi baik, penyimpanan secara berkelompok. Jauhkan dari listrik, cegah lembab, dan hindari paparan sinar matahari. Dilarang keras menyimpan bersama dengan bahan kimia yang mudah menguap untuk mencegah kerusakan adsorpsi.

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