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Υπερρευστοποιητής πολυκαρβοξυλικού οξέος

Υδροξυπροπυλομεθυλοκυτταρίνη (HPMC)

Επαναδιασπώμενη σκόνη πολυμερούς (RDP, VAE)

Υδατοδιαλυτές ίνες PVA

Κύριες βιομηχανικές χρήσεις της πολυβινυλικής αλκοόλης στις κατασκευές

Construction adhesives and adhesives Construction adhesives made from polyvinyl alcohol include putty adhesives, paint adhesive base materials, etc., and their scale accounts for more than 40% of the total. At present, the most widely used are PVA 17-99, PVA 20-99, two medium-viscosity adhesives, and PVA24-99, PVA26-99, two high-viscosity adhesives. In addition to construction adhesives, polyvinyl alcohol can also be used to make adhesives for paper, wood, textiles, office glues and high-grade paint bases, mainly used in paper, wood, textiles, office glues and high-grade paint bases The technical content of these glues is relatively high and requires a high level of compounding.