Τι είναι ο αιθέρας guar?

(1) Compared with cellulose ether, guar ether is more soluble in water. The performance of the pH guar ether was essentially unaffected. (2) Under the condition of low viscosity and low dosage, guar gum can replace cellulose ether in the same amount, and has similar water retention. However, the consistency, sag resistance and thixotropy are […]

Πώς διαλύεται η πολυβινυλική αλκοόλη;

1. Polyvinyl alcohol is soluble in water and generally needs to be heated to 65~75℃ in order to dissolve completely. Slightly soluble in dimethyl sulfoxide. It is soluble in glycerol at 120~150℃, but becomes jelly when cooled to room temperature. 2. To dissolve polyvinyl alcohol, the material should be added to room temperature water under […]

Σενάρια χρήσης υδατοαπωθητικών

1. Various waterproof and moisture-proof of various attached construction workers and single-built civil air defense projects, industrial and civil buildings; 2. Waterproof and moisture-proof for various large, medium and small grain reserves of the country; 3. Waterproofing of various sewage pools, purification pools, edible pools, swimming pools and underground works; 4. Impermeability, waterproofing and leakage […]

Χαρακτηριστικά του Xylem Fiber

Xylem Fiber is an organic flocculent fiber material obtained by chemical treatment and mechanical processing of natural renewable wood. 1. Lignocellulose is insoluble in water, weak acid and alkaline solution; the pH value is neutral, which can improve the corrosion resistance of the system. 2. Lignocellulose has small specific gravity and large specific surface area, […]

Οι ίνες πολυπροπυλενίου είναι μια ίνα

Polypropylene short fiber is a kind of fiber. Polypropylene short fiber can improve the crack resistance, impermeability, impact abrasion resistance, frost resistance, explosion resistance of mortar/concrete and improve the workability of concrete. Tens of millions of fibers are evenly distributed in the mortar/concrete, which plays a good role in micro-reinforcing, which well maintains the integrity […]

Ο ρόλος των αεραγωγών στα δομικά υλικά

Ο παράγοντας που συγκρατεί τον αέρα, επίσης γνωστός ως air-entraining agent, είναι μια υδρόφοβη επιφανειοδραστική ουσία. Διαλύεται σε νερό και προστίθεται στο μίγμα σκυροδέματος, το οποίο μπορεί να δημιουργήσει μεγάλο αριθμό μικροσκοπικών φυσαλίδων αέρα κατά τη διαδικασία ανάδευσης. Οι παράγοντες αεροσυγκέντρωσης μπορούν να βελτιώσουν την εργασιμότητα, τη συγκράτηση νερού και τη συνοχή των μειγμάτων σκυροδέματος και να βελτιώσουν τη ρευστότητα του σκυροδέματος. [...]

Σύντομη εισαγωγή του επιβραδυντή τσιμέντου

Cement retarder is a kind of retarder that can delay the hydration reaction of cement, thereby prolonging the setting time of concrete, making fresh concrete maintain plasticity for a long time, facilitating pouring, improving construction efficiency, and at the same time, it will not cause adverse effects on various properties of concrete in the later […]

Σκόνη διασπειρόμενου πολυμερούς (VAE)

VAE is a water-soluble white or off-white flowable powder, a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate, with polyvinyl alcohol as a protective colloid. It has extremely outstanding waterproof performance, good bonding strength, increases the elasticity of the mortar and has a longer open time, gives the mortar excellent alkali resistance, and improves the adhesion/adhesion, flexural […]