HPMC in selbstnivellierendem Mörtel verwendet

oyforce Hydroxypropylmethylcelluloseether ist ein funktioneller Celluloseether, der für selbstnivellierende Mörtel geeignet ist und die folgenden Eigenschaften aufweist: Niedrige Viskosität, um die Fließeigenschaften des Mörtels zu gewährleisten. Reduziert die Wasserempfindlichkeit des Mörtels, verringert das Absetzen und Ausbluten und verbessert die Festigkeit und Verschleißfestigkeit der Oberfläche nach dem Aushärten des Mörtels. Hohe [...]
Weitverbreitete Verwendung von HPMC in Gipsputz

Joyforce hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose is a functional cellulose ether, which is recommended for plastering plaster. It has the following characteristics: Effectively improve the workability of plastering gypsum and improve the construction efficiency. Improve the plastering gypsum coating rate and increase the construction area per unit mass. The gel temperature is high and the water retention performance […]
Anwendungen von HPMC im Bauwesen

Joyforce hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ether (HPMC) is non ionic cellulose ether, small particle size, fast dissolution rate, high gel temperature, good water retention at high temperature, can be used in cement-based or gypsum-based mortar, providing good thickening for mortar properties and water retention. HPMC can also widely used in various building dry mortars, including tile […]
Was sind die Verwendungszwecke und Eigenschaften von PVA-Fasern?

2023-05-08 PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) fibers are monofilament fibers that disperse throughout the concrete matrix, creating a multi-directional fiber network, providing shrinkage control, abrasion resistance, and protection from thermal expansion and contraction. What is the use of PVA fiber? PVA fibers can be used as a primary or secondary means of reinforcing artisan concrete objects, including […]
Was sind wasserlösliche PVA-Fasern?

Was sind wasserlösliche PVA-Fasern? Wasserlösliche PVA-Fasern ist eine Art von Faser aus Polyvinylalkohol durch nasses Spinnen, Wärmebehandlung und Crimping-Ölen in Wasser bei normaler Temperatur gemacht.es ist gut in trockener Hitze Stabilität, physikalische und mechanische Eigenschaften. die bemerkenswerte Eigenschaft ist seine Gesamtauflösung in Wasser in einem Bereich von Temperatur.
Was ist PVA 2488?

PVA 2488 With its excellent water-solubility, bonding strength, film forming properties and chemical stabilities, Polyvinyl alcohol(PVOH, PVA) has achieved a great reputation in both global and domestic markets as an industrial material or finishing agent for adhesives, paper, emulsion, suspension, fabric, and films. With its excellent water-solubility, bonding strength, film forming properties and chemical stabilities, Polyvinyl alcohol(PVOH, […]
Einführung der optischen Folie aus Polyvinylalkohol

PVA optical film, also known as polyvinyl alcohol optical film, is the core material of polarizer. PVA optical film is a polarizing film, which is made of PVA resin, plasticizer, antioxidant and other trace additives dissolved in water, and then cast and dried by an extruder. PVA optical film is the basic material for the […]
Polyvinylalkohol-Entschäumer für die chemische Industrie

Polyvinyl alcohol defoamer can effectively solve these foam problems in the chemical industry as a polymeric emulsifier, dispersant and polyvinyl formal, acetal, butyral resin and other industries. At the same time, it can also be used in the textile industry. For example, warp yarn sizing agent, fabric finishing agent and vinylon fiber raw material can […]
Anwendung von Polyvinylalkohol in der modernen Medizin

With the mutual penetration of polymer material science and modern pharmacy, the application of polymer materials as drug controlled release carriers has become one of the most popular research directions”, among which polyvinyl alcohol is the most important polymer compound in this regard. Vinyl alcohol is usually prepared by alcoholysis of polyvinyl acetate in solvents […]
Verwendung von flockendem Polyvinylalkohol 2099

The addition of PVA 2099 in ceramic grinding can increase the fluidity and viscosity of clay and china clay, easy to filter, help to form blanks, reduce the breakage rate of blank transportation, and does not affect the shape and color of the finished product after sintering. In addition, it can also be used as […]